Malo Moray & His Inflatable Knee

Fournos@Terzo Mondo Grolmanstr. 28, Berlin, Germany

Der Sound des Inflatable Knee vereint Kraut Rock und experimentelle Avantgarde, umfängt diese mit meditativem Ambient

10€ – 15€


Fournos@Terzo Mondo Grolmanstr. 28, Berlin, Germany

Ein Projekt von Francesca Pavesi, Musikerin, Produzentin und Sounddesignerin aus Mailand. Sie hat einen Abschluss in klassischer Trompete und nähert sich der experimentellen und ambienten elektronischen Musik mit der Absicht, ihre eigene Dimension zu finden, eine persönliche Klangrecherche durchführen. Umgebungsgeräusche, Klanglandschaften und organische Texturen verschmelzen durch den Einsatz von Synthesizern und modularen Systemen zu einer […]

10€ – 15€

Bauer | Calcagnile | Chino

Fournos@Terzo Mondo Grolmanstr. 28, Berlin, Germany

experimental, improvised music with Shuichi Chino - piano - Matthias Bauer - double bass - Cris Calcagnile - drums -  

10€ – 15€


Fournos@Terzo Mondo Grolmanstr. 28, Berlin, Germany

- The Visit Of The Organic Mountain Traveller - Ignaz Schick – alto & baritone saxophone Rieko Okuda – grand piano Marcello S. Busato – drums, percussion Von 2012-2013 nahm sich Ignaz Schick eine einjährige Auszeit, in der er seine künstlerische Praxis neu gestaltete. Neben Komposition und Klanginstallation rückte er auch sein Saxophonspiel wieder in […]


KA @ Mighty Fine

Fournos@Terzo Mondo Grolmanstr. 28, Berlin, Germany

The first of an ongoing series that will occur once a month. This will feature 2 sets of improvised music: Florian Müller - guitar Kellen Mills - bass Sofia Borges - drums + Carina Khorkhordina - trumpet Isabel Anders - piano Antti Virtaranta - dblbass


Veranstaltungsserie KA Session

KA Session

Fournos@Terzo Mondo Grolmanstr. 28, Berlin, Germany

The first of an ongoing series that will occur once a month. This will feature 2 sets of improvised music: Jonathon Haffner - Alto sax Kellen Mills - bass Marcello Busato - drums + Matthias Müller - trombone Richard Scott - modular electronics Antti Virtaranta - dblbass


Fournos@Terzo Mondo Grolmanstr. 28, Berlin, Germany

- free improvisation - Grgur Savic-sax Johannes von Wrochem-eguitar,fx Steve Heather-drums  


Veranstaltungsserie KA Session

KA Session

Fournos@Terzo Mondo Grolmanstr. 28, Berlin, Germany

The first of an ongoing series that will occur once a month. This will feature 2 sets of improvised music: Mat Pogo - voice Jasper Stadhouders - gtr Kellen Mills - bass + Kriton Beyer - daxophone Antti Virtaranta - bass

Black Flow

Fournos@Terzo Mondo Grolmanstr. 28, Berlin, Germany

Morphing landscapes and electroacoustic environments An audio/visual performance Floros Floridis: reeds, live-electronics Andreas Karaoulanis: animation-programming will perform a set@ Fournos by TerzoMondo The music which will be performed is based on creative improvisation, touching the genres of modern classic, jazz etc.    



Fournos@Terzo Mondo Grolmanstr. 28, Berlin, Germany

Alex Nowitz – voice, live electronics Antonis Anissegos – piano, electronics The duet aNo started off by recording music in January 2024 striving for deep sound explorations, sonic acrobatics and genuine interactions between the extended voice and the augmented piano. By applying customized microphones, sensor- and computer-based technology and diverse live sampling techniques in order […]

Veranstaltungsserie KA Session

KA Session

Fournos@Terzo Mondo Grolmanstr. 28, Berlin, Germany

The first of an ongoing series that will occur once a month. This will feature 2 sets of improvised music: Jonathon Haffner - Alto sax Kellen Mills - bass Marcello Busato - drums + Matthias Müller - trombone Richard Scott - modular electronics Antti Virtaranta - dblbass

Dimitriadis | Vespo | Roder

Fournos@Terzo Mondo Grolmanstr. 28, Berlin, Germany

Yorgos Dimitriadis - dr Tommaso Vespo - p Jan Roder - b Yorgos Dimitriadis, born in Thessaloniki Greece 1964, is a Berlin based percussionist, composer/improviser active in the fields of improvised music and contemporary jazz. In his original solo work he uses drums, cymbals and microphones to create real time sonic landscapes, with an emphasis […]


Resurrection City – A. Savvopoulos

Fournos@Terzo Mondo Grolmanstr. 28, Berlin, Germany

Anastasios Savvopoulos (*1980) geboren in Griechenland war von 2000 bis 2006 als Gitarrist und Komponist in der experimentellen Jazzszene in London engagiert, seit 2007 lebt und arbeitet er in Berlin. Als Bandleader hat er 6 CD-Alben veröffentlicht und komponiert außerdem für zeitgenössische Musik Ensembles. Mit RESURRECTION CITY erkundet er neue Richtungen mit groovigen Kompositionen und […]

Veranstaltungsserie KA Session

KA Session

Fournos@Terzo Mondo Grolmanstr. 28, Berlin, Germany

The first of an ongoing series that will occur once a month. This will feature 2 sets of improvised music: Jonathon Haffner - Alto sax Kellen Mills - bass Marcello Busato - drums + Matthias Müller - trombone Richard Scott - modular electronics Antti Virtaranta - dblbass


Fournos@Terzo Mondo Grolmanstr. 28, Berlin, Germany

isabel rössler marcello busato david palliser Isabel Rößler is a jazz bassist and improviser. After studying music in Nuremberg and Tallinn, she moved to Berlin in 2019, where she is active in the city's fluid improvisation scene. In addition to numerous collaborations with local and international artists, she has toured through Germany and Eastern Europe […]
