- Lucía Boffo – vocals, effects
- Danielle Friedman – piano
- Lisa Hoppe – double bass
In the longest year they can remember, the three musicians of Zahir stumbled across each other in Berlin: Argentinian vocalist Lucía Boffo, Israeli-born pianist Danielle Friedman and German bassist Lisa Hoppe, who had just returned to her native country.
Embracing their multiple belongings and interconnections with each other, they developed tenderly improvised, bold, and humorous original music, rooted in jazz and spinning freely wherever their associations would take them. You will hear songs, based on poetry by thinkers long gone, on overheard puns, and about very serious wishes.
Wir freuen uns riesig, euch endlich wieder zu einem Live-Konzert einladen zu können
(natürlich unter Einhaltung der aktuellen Hygienevorschriften, 2G Regel)!!!
-> Für die, die lieber noch zuhause bleiben wollen
Start des Stream ab 19:55, wir warten bis alle sitzen, 20:00 the show begins
Eine Spende für die Künstler ist wichtig, solidarisch und respektvoll …
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