Jazz and Experimental Improvisation
In the middle of the global confusion one should move with small steps.
No big gestures, just a streaming gig with
- Elena Kakaliagou – French horn www.elenakakaliagou.com
- Dag Magnus Narvesen – drums www.dagmagnus.com
- Floros Floridis – reeds www.florosfloridis.com
will perform @ Fournos by TerzoMondo
The music which will be performed is based on creative improvisation, touching the genres of modern classic, jazz etc.
It´s the pilot for the new concert series Modern Thursdays with Floros Floridis as curator
Start des Stream ab 18:45, wir warten bis alle sitzen, 19:00 the show begins
Und eine Spende für die Künstler ist wichtig, solidarisch und respektvoll …
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