- isabel rössler
- marcello busato
- david palliser
Isabel Rößler is a jazz bassist and improviser. After studying music in Nuremberg and Tallinn, she moved to Berlin in 2019, where she is active in the city’s fluid improvisation scene. In addition to numerous collaborations with local and international artists, she has toured through Germany and Eastern Europe with her trio «Flut».
Marcello Silvio Busato
born 1977 in Milano, based in Berlin since 2002.
Drummer, Composer, Improviser, Performer
Marcello is active in the fields of experimental music, free jazz, radical inprovisation, sound art and noise. He also worked as composer and performer for theater, cinema and dance projects.
His musical research has led him to develop an original approach to the drums and percussion also through the use of extensive techniques.
He’s exploring the expressive capacities of his instrument, developing his own languages, with a wide vocabulary of dynamics, densities and speeds, pushing the acoustic limits of the instrument and various other percussive objects.
David Palliser is an improv musician and visual artist from Melbourne,Naarm, Australia. His visual practice informs his sonic and vice a versa. He was a leading member of the post-punk group The People with Chairs up their Noses and more recently The Donkey’s Tail and now continues to perform with The Charles Ives Singers with whom he has toured Japan and NewZealand. He has toured solo and collaborated with many musicians in Australia, Germany and Asia. His primary instrument is alto saxophone, often augmented with an idiosyncratic use of real-time electronics. There’s a sense that the the music is being chased by the electronics or the electronics being chased by the music…the brink of collapse is palpable and the performative quality is acute.
the Music section of; http://www.davidpalliser.com.