Was für Musik erwartet man, beim Klang zweier Kontrabässe?
Letzten Winter trafen sich Noriko Okamoto und Akira Ando bei einem Dreh für ein Filmprojekt. Seitdem experimentierten sie mit diesen zwei großen Instrumenten alle mögliche Klangvarianten aus.
Entstanden sind neue eigene Arrangements von Klassik, Jazz und Kompositionen von Akira Ando. Ihre Musik lässt sich nicht kategorisieren.
Kommen Sie und lassen Sie sich überraschen vom ersten Konzert dieses Duo!!
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What do you expect to hear from the music by two contrabassists ?
Last winter Noriko Okamoto and Akira Ando worked for a film project. Since then, they started to search for all the possible sound that two big and clumsy instruments can create. They have picked up the materials from classic, jazz, Akira Ando’s compositions and added the new arrangements to them. It is impossible to categorize their music.
Come to their first concert to get surprised !!
Noriko Okamoto
Kontrabassistin, ihre Leidenschaft ist es in der unkonventionellen Kontrabass-Rolle zu experimentieren,tätig in den vielfältigen Bereichen; Klassische Musik, Jazz, freie Improvisation. Geboren in Tokyo, studierte sie Klassischer Kontrabass an der Toho Gakuen school of Music und an der Staatlichen Musikhochschule in Mannheim,seit 2014 lebt sie in Berlin. www.traumbassklang.com
Akira Ando
Born in Sapporo, Japan, in 1955, he is a contrabassist, cellist and composer of a wide variety of music. He started his career as a musician in the seventies in clubs around Tokyo. Between 1984 and 1998 he lived in New York, and worked with various loft musicians as Cecil Taylor (Godfather of Free Jazz), Billy Bang (Afro-American violinist), William Parker (bassist, composer, band leader). He also played with a salsa band and jazz bands of almost every genre.
Living in Berlin since 1998 as a freelance musician, he is part of the creative jazz scene, playing with Takabanda, Abrasaz, Boom Box, The New Trio, as well as other renowned musicians here and abroad.
In 2011 he founded his own group “The JAPS “ (Jazz As Pure Spirit) with mostly Japanese artists.
In recent years, Akira has been organizing several music and dance performances such as „Time Flies“, „Der Sechste Sinn“, „Licht und Schatten“ , „Zwischen Himmel und Erde“. In 2014 he was the main organizer of the event “Fukushima the Aftermath” in cooperation with the museum Story of Berlin, again performed in 2016 at the Werkstatt der Kulturen, Berlin, on occasion of the fifth anniversary of the incident at Fukushima.
In addition to his performing and composing activities he contributes his experience as a contrabassist / e-bassist teaching at the Music School Neuruppin. http://aandjaps.wix.com/sitetop